All food fundraisers should be registered with the Child Nutrition Director. Please email the date and the foods that will be sold to squinn@ccusd93net Child Nutrition will fill out the appropriate ADE forms to register your fundraiser.
Fundraising sales of foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks Standards and sales of nonfood items (e.g., wrapping paper and apparel) are not limited under the Federal policy. Fundraising activities that occur during non-school hours, on weekends, or at off-campus events are not limited under the Federal policy.
Fundraisers selling foods that are intended to be consumed outside the school day are not limited under the Federal policy. Some state agencies allow a certain number of in-school fundraisers to be exempt from the Smart Snacks Standards. Contact the Child Nutrition Director for more information.
To find out if your item is a smart snack approved, enter information from the food or beverage’s Nutrition Facts panel and ingredients list into the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Smart Snacks Product Calculator ( app/resources/81). Once your items are approved, please email a copy to the Child Nutrition Director. These are kept on hand for ADE reviews.