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Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

If a child has a disability, she/he may be eligible for a section 504 plan. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and guarantees individuals with disabilities equal access to an education. 

Who is eligible for a 504 Plan?

Any student who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity (such as learning ,caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, speaking, hearing and working); or has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.

What is a 504 plan? 

A 504 plan is a written plan created for students with disabilities who require accommodations to be successful in the classroom.

A 504 plan is not an Individualized Education Program (IEP) which requires more specialized instruction. 

A 504 plan is designed to insure that a student with a 504 disability is able to receive a free and appropriate public education under Section 504; the intent of 504 accommodations is to provide an educational environment that is comparable to that provided to other students who do not have a disability.

How is the 504 process initiated?

Parents and teachers can request a review of Section 504 eligibility determination by contacting their school 504 coordinator.

Submit a written request to the school 504 coordinator asking for an evaluation to determine if there is a significant impact on the child’s learning and/or behavior. 

A 504 team will be assembled which could include parents, teachers, social workers, Section 504 coordinator, school psychologist, school administrator or others with knowledge of the child, the evaluations and the school resources. This team determines student needs based on data and information from various sources. 

If the 504 team determines the student is eligible for accommodations under Section 504, an accommodation plan (504 plan) is written to address the individual needs of the student. Plans are generally received on an annual basis but can be reviewed any time there is a substantial change in the student’s educational environment, such as a change in school, change in teacher, change in health, etc.

Please contact your school 504 coordinator if you have any questions.

For more information on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, including a 504 plan, please visit the following website:

 504 Coordinators

Black Mountain Elementary
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Desert Sun Academy
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Desert Willow Elementary
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Horseshoe Trails Elementary
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Lone Mountain Elementary School
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Sonoran Trails Middle School
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.

Cactus Shadows High School
Please contact your child's counselor for more information.