Library Resources
We encourage students to read and develop a love for reading. One way to develop a love for reading is to provide students with an abundant access to books and to teach them to make good choices about which books they want to read. Teachers and school staff will use their best judgment in securing materials that are suitable to their students and typically rely on grants and donations to create these collections. Students are encouraged to inform their parent(s) or guardians of books they are choosing to read. If a parent or guardian considers a student-choice book to be inappropriate for their child, they should request that their child return the book and select something they find more suitable.
While CCUSD does not employ a full time library media specialist, all schools have a library that is maintained either by a volunteer or by a library aide. Teachers are also encouraged to develop a robust library in their classrooms so that students can find a book they enjoy.
If a parent or community member would like to review the books in one of our libraries, please arrange such a meeting through our Educational Services Department by emailing: