- VOLUME 18-7 | February 2025
- VOLUME 18-6 | January 2025
- VOLUME 18-5 | December 2024
- Volume 18-4 | November 2024
- Volume 18-3| October 2024
- Volume 18-2 | September 2024
VOLUME 18-7 | February 2025
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
As the school year moves into February, a month filled with opportunities for growth, kindness, and learning, I want to take a moment to celebrate a group of dedicated CCUSD professionals who make a positive impact on our students and schools every day - our fabulous school counselors.
National School Counseling Week, February 3-7, gives all of us the perfect opportunity to recognize the invaluable role our school counselors play in helping our students in and out of the classroom. Whether they are providing academic guidance, supporting students’ social and emotional well-being, or helping to navigate future career and college pathways, our counselors are always there as trusted advisors and compassionate listeners. Their dedication helps ensure that every student feels seen, supported, and encouraged to follow their pathway and reach their fullest potential.
Our school counselors work tirelessly to create a positive and inclusive environment for all students. They assist in conflict resolution, mental health awareness, and serve as critical advocates for student success. Their ability to connect with students on a personal level and guide them through challenges is critical and inspiring. The work they do extends beyond academics; they are shaping confident, resilient, and well-rounded individuals who are prepared for life beyond the classroom.
I encourage everyone in our community—students, parents, staff, and neighbors—to take a moment this month to show appreciation for our school counselors. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in recognizing their hard work and commitment!
I am happy to start the gratitude: thank you for being an integral part of our Cave Creek Unified family. Your partnership, encouragement, and engagement make all the difference in the lives of our students.
Let’s make February a month of gratitude and appreciation for our incredible school counselors!
We look forward to seeing you in our schools.
Moving Forward Together,
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
CCUSD held our District Spelling Bee on Tuesday, January 14 at the Fine Arts Center. We will be sending two students to the Regional Spelling Bee on February 11. Our first place winner is Grayson Baker, a 6th grade student from Lone Mountain Elementary School. Our runner-up is Braxton Gazo, a 6th grade student from Desert Willow Elementary.
Congratulations Abbey Gold!
Cactus Shadows student Abbey Gold's poem "Men in Wells Don't do Well" was selected as a Topical winner and will be included in the "My World" section of "American High School Poets" - Winter 2025 anthology. This book is available for purchase on Amazon and less than 2% of all poems submitted are published in the anthology. What a fantastic accomplishment! Congratulations Abbey!
Congratulations to the Cactus Shadows Cheer Team who are the 2025-2025 Division II State Champions!
Congratulations to Coach Breanna Canto who was honored with the TSC Coach of the Year Award!
Sonoran Trails Cheer team achieved two first place finishes in their competition. Way to go Stingers!
Great things happening in CCUSD!
Parent Engagement Forum
CCUEF Upcoming Events
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Foothills Food Bank Wish List
Please see the most recent wish list from Foothills Food Bank below. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.
VOLUME 18-6 | January 2025
VOLUME 18-6 | JANUARY 2025
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
The Cave Creek Unified School District is registering for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year! Kindergarten classes are found at all our “A” rated, highly-performing elementary schools.
In the Cave Creek Unified School District, we provide an innovative, high-quality learning experience for all students. Our classrooms facilitate strategies to develop curious, resilient, critical-thinking, and problem-solving students. Our students and educators are empowered to make a difference, while inspiring excellence in our families, community, and world.
Why should you choose CCUSD for Kindergarten?
- Highly-qualified, certified teachers
- Relationships
- Excellent instruction
- Commitment to community
- Focus on whole child development
- Consistently highest test scores in Maricopa County
- Top Performing School District in Northeast Valley
- Employment, enrollment, and enlistment pathways for all students
What are the age requirements?
- Students must turn 5 on or before August 31, 2025
- If your child turn 5 after August 31, 2025, you can:
- Apply for early entrance testing, if their birthday is before December 31, 2025
- Attend one of our outstanding, on-site pre-K programs for students who are 3 or 4 years old
Bring your child to one of our Kindergarten events to learn more. Scan the QR code for more information.
We look forward to seeing you in our schools.
Moving Forward Together,
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
Possible School Closures & Public Forum Information
Our district website contains a resource page that chronicles the work of the Facilities Focus Group as well as the information presented to the Governing Board at the December 3, 2024 Governing Board meeting. On December 10, 2024, the Governing Board approved a request from administration to hold public forums to gather feedback on the possibility of closing two elementary schools.
The public forums will be held as follows:
- Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00 PM at Desert Sun Academy
- Thursday, January 9 at 6:00 PM at Lone Mountain Elementary
The public meeting will be held on Monday, January 13 at 6:00 PM at the Fine Arts Center.
We encourage you to be a part of the next steps as our Governing Board makes difficult but necessary decisions, prioritizing better futures for our students moving forward.
Student Leader of the Month
Congratulations to Zadie Jensen, who was selected as Student Leader of the Month for Lone Mountain Elementary School for December. She was on the dais with Superintendent Dolezal at the December 10, 2024 Governing Board meeting and read a speech about her experiences in CCUSD.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month for December!
Congratulations Sydney Moore!
Cactus Shadows own Sydney Moore was honored as one of the State of Arizona's outstanding apprentices for her work as a chef at at the 62nd Annual David G. Hollis Outstanding Apprentice Awards Ceremony last month. Sydney was one of only 32 award winners statewide, one of only two females, and the only high school student to earn the award. Congratulations Sydney!
Congratulations Mae Thorius!
Sonoran Trails student Mae Thorius was invited to and attended Stanford University this past month as one of only 75 international participants in a meeting to address how AI can be used to ensure access to curriculum and instruction for students with learning differences. She worked alongside a select group of researchers, innovators, policymakers, and philanthropic leaders to set new direction in policy, innovation, and funding that will empower all learners. This event was presented by the Stanford Accelerator for Learning, with the support of the Alana Foundation, and in collaboration with the CAST, the Children's Health Council, and the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Impressive Mae!
December Employees of the Month
Congratulations to our December Employees of the Month! Superintendent Dolezal and Board Member Dan Moore were on hand to celebrate with a special breakfast honoring our exemplary employees. Thank you to our sponsors, Summit Diner and Sunstone Wealth Management.
Great things happening in CCUSD!
6th Grade Students and Parents
Parent Engagement Forum
SmartSocial - Register Today!
Thanks to a generous donation, CCUSD is thrilled to be able to partner with SmartSocial, an online platform that helps parents understand tech and social media to keep kids safe and successful online. SmartSocial hosts live online Q&A events that address different themes each month. You can watch these events live, or watch them after the fact when it fits your schedule! With over 400 online resources at your disposal, SmartSocial can help parents navigate the challenges associated with technology, including parental controls, screen time, online safety, and more. CCUSD parents can register with SmartSocial using this link:
Your subscription is free when you register through CCUSD. We believe that this will be a valuable resource for our families and encourage you to register and see what they have to offer!
CCUEF Upcoming Events
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Foothills Food Bank Thanksgiving Wish List
Please see the November wish list from Foothills Food Bank below. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.
VOLUME 18-5 | December 2024
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
As the seasons change and the spirit of gratitude fills the air, I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation for everyone who contributes to making our school district exceptional. It is a true honor to serve as the proud Superintendent of our beloved school community.
To our Governing Board:
Thank you for your steadfast commitment to the success of our students, both inside and outside the classroom. Your guidance and collaborative leadership have built a foundation of trust and achievement that strengthens our district every day.
To our District Leadership Team:
I deeply appreciate your intelligence, compassion, and unwavering passion for excellence. Your dedication inspires me, and your hard work ensures our schools and departments continue to reach new heights.
To our Educators:
Your enthusiasm and dedication to nurturing the minds and hearts of our students are truly extraordinary. Through your tireless efforts to create inclusive and engaging learning environments, you empower our students to reach their fullest potential, even when they may not yet see it themselves. Thank you for making such a profound difference in their lives.
To our Staff Members:
Behind the scenes, you are the backbone of our district’s success. From maintaining our facilities to transporting, feeding, and safeguarding our students, and running our offices, your contributions are indispensable. Your hard work ensures our schools operate seamlessly and efficiently, and we are grateful for all you do.
To our Community Partners:
Your support enriches the educational experiences of our students in countless ways. Whether through your time, resources, or collaborative spirit, your partnership strengthens our shared mission to provide an exceptional education. We look forward to continuing this vital collaboration.
To our Parents and Guardians:
Thank you for trusting us with your children’s education and well-being. I know you have a choice where you send your children, and I am grateful you chose CCUSD. Your involvement and partnership are key to building a thriving educational community, and we are fortunate to work alongside such engaged and supportive families.
To our Students:
You are the heart of everything we do. Your enthusiasm, resilience, and drive inspire us daily. Your achievements, both in and out of the classroom, fill us with pride and remind us why we strive for excellence. You are the reason we come together as a community, and we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams.
I encourage everyone to reflect on the collective impact we have made and will continue to make together on the lives of our students. Together, we endeavor to set our students upon a path of excellence, compassion, and lifelong learning. Together, we prepare our students to achieve success when they leave Cactus Shadows in their employment in the workforce, their enlisting in the military, or their enrollment in post-secondary education. I am truly honored to be on this journey with all of you.
Moving Forward Together,
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
Student Leader of the Month
Congratulations to James Arrington, who was selected as Student Leader of the Month for Black Mountain Elementary School for November. He was on the dais with Superintendent Dolezal at the November 19, 2024 Governing Board meeting and read a speech about his experiences in CCUSD.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month for November!
November Employees of the Month
Congratulations to our November Employees of the Month! Superintendent Dolezal and Board Member Jeff Fortney were on hand to celebrate with a special breakfast honoring our exemplary employees. Thank you to our sponsors, Summit Diner and Sunstone Wealth Management.
Carefree Cares Award Winners
Each semester, one staff member from each site is selected to receive the Carefree Cares Award. Mayor Crane and Vice-Mayor Kroyer were present to honor each recipient, presenting them with a pin and gift card. Staff members were nominated by their principal and received a certificate, along with a copy of the nomination paragraph. Congratulations to our first semester winners: Anneke Mailhot - Black Mountain Elementary, Aly Betances - Desert Sun Academy, Wendy Gazo - Desert Willow Elementary, Karen Bird - Horseshoe Trails Elementary, Natalie May - Lone Mountain Elementary, Nancy "Lee" Richardson - Sonoran Trails Middle School, and Jill Jellison - Cactus Shadows High School!
Two Time State Champion Diver!
Congratulations to Iona Moffat for defending her title and bringing home a second state championship!
Congratulations to Cactus Shadows Cheer Team! They brought home a Division II State Championship in Game Day Cheer!
Great things happening in CCUSD!
Parent Engagement Forum
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Foothills Food Bank Thanksgiving Wish List
Please see the November wish list from Foothills Food Bank below. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.
Volume 18-4 | November 2024
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
We are grateful for the men and women who have served and are currently serving in our United States Armed Forces. We know their sacrifice enables us to live such amazing lives.
Veterans Day Celebrations around CCUSD:
Black Mountain Elementary School
Black Mountain will host their annual Veterans Day Walk of Honor on November 8th starting at 2:45. Veterans will walk along the inner path at BMES while being honored for their service by students and staff. All veterans are welcome. Call 480-575-2100 for more information.
Desert Sun Academy
Desert Sun would like to invite you to a Veterans Day Concert that the PreK-sixth grade students will be performing on Friday, November 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the Multipurpose Building. Students will be singing patriotic songs in honor of our veterans who are welcome to join us for the concert. Call 480-575-2900 for more information.
Desert Willow Elementary School
Desert Willow will welcome veterans to come in to read to their students and will provide them lunch. The students are writing thank you cards and the campus will be decorated in red, white, and blue.
Horseshoe Trails Elementary School
Horseshoe Trails will be holding a 30 minute Veterans Day school assembly with a choir performance honoring our veterans.
Lone Mountain Elementary School
Lone Mountain is inviting veterans to join them for coffee in the staff lounge and then attend an assembly in their cafeteria. Fourth-sixth grade essay winners will read their essays, each grade level will sing a song, and there will be a slideshow. They are also having a BBQ lunch.
Sonoran Trails Middle School
Sonoran Trails will be hosting a Veterans Day Assembly to honor those who have chosen to serve in our country’s military on November 8th at 2:00 pm.
As a reminder, all CCUSD schools and offices will be closed on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
We look forward to seeing you in our schools.
Moving Forward Together,
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
Student Leader of the Month
Congratulations to Connor Dusek who was selected as Student Leader of the Month for STMS for October. He was on the dais with Superintendent Dolezal at the October 8, 2024 Governing Board meeting and read a speech about his experiences in CCUSD.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month for October!
October Employees of the Month
Congratulations to our October Employees of the Month! Superintendent Dolezal was on hand to celebrate with a special breakfast honoring our exemplary employees. Thank you to our sponsors, Summit Diner and Sunstone Wealth Management.
Cactus Shadows student group, Imprints of Honor, was recently featured on Fox 10 News. Imprints of Honor interviews veterans and honors their sacrifices by writing their stories in an annual publication. Students get to learn about history from those who have actually lived it! Please click on this link to view the excerpt.
Great things happening in CCUSD!
Girls Golf Team Wins State Championship!
Congratulations to the Cactus Shadows Girls Golf Team who came home with the Division II State Championship on Tuesday, 10/29! Click on this link to read more about their win.
Parent Engagement Forum
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Kiwanis Christmas for the Kids
On November 30th, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, the Kiwanis Club of Carefree invites families and friends of all ages to experience the magic of the holiday season at the Kiwanis Christmas for the Kids! This festive event will be held in the heart of downtown Carefree and is set to offer a dazzling array of activities, entertainment, and treats for everyone.
- Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect:
- A special visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus
- Get up close with exotic animals
- Miniature ponies for kids to meet
- Fun hayrides for the family
- Classic carnival treats like hot dogs, cotton candy, and popcorn
- Pet adoption opportunities
- Face painting and balloon sculptures
- Carnival Games and Prizes
At the heart of the event is a raffle for over 50 brand-new bicycles, which will be
awarded hourly by age group. Be sure to stay for your chance to win, as winners must
be present to claim their prize. New raffle entries each hour. For more information, go to
Foothills Food Bank Thanksgiving Wish List
Please see the November wish list from Foothills Food Bank below. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.
Volume 18-3| October 2024
VOLUME 18-3 | OCTOBER 2024
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
Our CCUSD Governing Board officially recognized September 26 as “Legendary Teacher Day” in CCUSD. This day is a time for us to reflect on the profound influence that a teacher has had on our own lives. We all have that teacher who made a difference in our lives, who inspired us, believed in us when we doubted ourselves, or ignited a passion within us. These educators are the unsung heroes who shape the future through their dedication and passion. Many of these teachers do not even know the difference they have made in our lives.
While the official day may have passed, I invite each and every one of you to reconnect with that legendary teacher from your past who played such a pivotal role in your life. Reach out to them and express your gratitude for the impact they've had. Your words of appreciation can mean the world to them, reminding them of the importance of their work and the lives they've touched.
Whether it's a heartfelt email, a handwritten letter, a phone call, or even a visit if possible, your gesture will not only make their day but also serve as a powerful reminder of why they chose this noble profession. It's an opportunity to pay it forward by acknowledging the tremendous value of teaching and the lasting impact it has on generations to come. Share your stories, anecdotes, and reflections with your colleagues and students. Let us collectively honor the tireless dedication and boundless compassion of those who choose to work in education.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment and support to our students and schools. I'm incredibly proud to have each of you as part of our Cave Creek Unified School District family.
We look forward to seeing you in our schools.
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
Desert Willow Elementary Choir
The DWES choir had the honor of singing the National Anthem at the September 13, 2024 Diamondbacks game. Way to go roadrunners!
CSHS Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program
The principal, Sarah Barela, of Cactus Shadows High School, announced today that Maya Angorn, Jakob Duffey, Aveeva Mirchandani, and Mia Quenzler have been named Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Programs.
About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2025 competition for the National Merit Scholarship Awards, Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2025 competition by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT)
“Those being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. “These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their school plays in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation. We hope this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities and encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success.”
Student Leader of the Month
Congratulations to Aveeva Mirchandani who was selected as Student Leader of the Month for CSHS for September. She was on the dais with Superintendent Dolezal at the September 16 Governing Board meeting and read a short speech about her experiences in CCUSD.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month for September!
September Employees of the Month
Congratulations to our September Employees of the Month! Superintendent Dolezal and President Busbee were on hand to celebrate with a special breakfast honoring our exemplary employees. Thank you to our sponsors, Summit Diner and Sunstone Wealth Management.
Parent Engagement Forum
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Foothills Food Bank October Wish List
Please see the September wish list from Foothills Food Bank. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.
Volume 18-2 | September 2024
A Note From the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Community & CCUSD Staff -
As we approach Patriot's Day, we take a moment to reflect on the tragic events of September 11, 2001, a day that forever changed our Nation and united us in resilience and hope. Those events and days after serve as a poignant reminder of the values we hold dear; courage, sacrifice, and community.
Please see below the information on Patriot Day Celebrations at CCUSD Schools!
Black Mountain Elementary School
BMES will host their 14th Annual Patriot Day Ceremony, which will take place on Tuesday, September 10th. The Patriot Day Ceremony is a highlight of the school year, fostering a sense of patriotism and community spirit among our students, families, and community. This year, the event will coincide with their Grandparents' Breakfast, bringing together different generations to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of our first responders.
Desert Willow Elementary School
DWES will be displaying flags around the campus and hosting a lunch for first responders. Students will create notes and pictures to thank the first responders and will pass out flag pins to all who attend.
Desert Sun Academy
Teachers will use Patriot Day resources in Discovery ED and select books from our school library to read to students. Our students will make cards and/or draw a picture to thank our first responders and local law enforcement. As a school, we will wear red, white, and blue on September 11th.
Lone Mountain Elementary
Students and staff will wear red, white, and blue and flags will be on display. We will have a moment of silence.
Horseshoe Trails Elementary
Students will be writing friendly letters to First Responders in the community and Principal Pettinato will be reading a brief, patriotic message to the whole school about 9/11 and the helpers that day, followed by a brief moment of silence.
Sonoran Trails Middle School
STMS will be observing a moment of silence and having words about 9/11 in the announcements. Social Studies teachers will be incorporating information into their lessons for the day.
Cactus Shadows High School
CSHS will have a Patriot Spirit Day and read an informational paragraph on the announcements.
Bill Dolezal, Superintendent

Bill Dolezal
Cactus Shadows High School's Vincent F.
Vincent completed Basic Combat Training (BCT) for the Army National Guard on August 9th. As part of the Bravo Company 787 Military Police Battalion, Vincent did his training under the Army Split Training Option (STO) for 10 1/2 weeks at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. This STO allows 17 year old students that have finished their junior year to complete basic training during the summer. After completing his senior year and graduating Vincent will return to Fort Leonard Wood to complete his Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for his Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) which is Military Police. This is the first time in over five years a Cactus Shadows student has participated in the program. Congratulations Vincent and good luck!
Black Mountain Elementary School's Ian A.
Fifth grader, Ian A, competed this summer in the AAU National Championships at the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Ian defended his title as National Champion 1st place in 1 meter dive for 11 year old boys. Way to go Ian! We are proud of you!
CSHS Class of 2004 Lora Webster-Bargellini
We are rooting for all of our Team USA Paralympic Athletes as they compete in the Paris Paralympic Games, especially Cactus Shadows alum and six-time Paralympian Lora Webster-Bargellini who competes in Sitting Volleyball!
Parent Engagement Forum
For those that were not able to attend our August 26, 2024 Technology Talk with Dr. Lisa Strohman, please click here to view the presentation.
Are you registered to vote?
Check your voter registration status on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. If you're not registered to vote, you can get forms and information here - also on the Maricopa County Elections Department website. You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. View your voter dashboard here.
The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is of the utmost importance in CCUSD. By clicking here, you will find an overview of some of the guidelines we have to promote safety and plans we have in place should an emergency occur. Please familiarize yourself with CCUSD's plans - thank you.
Arizona's Tax Credit Program
Arizona's tax law (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows families a tax credit of up to $400 if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. Individuals can give up to $200. Contributions that are made on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month (April 15), following the close of the taxable year, may be applied to either the current or preceding taxable year and is considered to have been made the last day of that taxable year.
For more information on the Tax Credit program or to make a contribution, please click here.
Education & Community Services
Foothills Food Bank September Wish List
Please see the September wish list from Foothills Food Bank. Donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated! You can find out more information by going to
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library offers a wide variety of programs and events for the community. All information is available on their website at Click here for their calendar of events. Check out their blog, the Foothills Footnote, to keep up to date with all the latest news from the library.
Library contact information:
Special Events Manager: Marjorie Sutherland-Smith - 480-488-2286 -
Adult Program Coordinator: Kiersa Holleschau -
Youth & Teen Librarian: Dawn Treude -
Desert Foothills Library is located at 38443 N School House Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Superintendent's Challenge
Students in grades 5 - 12, are you up for the Superintendent's Challenge? Information for the 2024-2025 school year is here.